Thursday, July 21, 2011

Poetry 2

 I realize this is just some filler, but I'm currently working on another poem. Please curb your enthusiasm.

Written a some time ago, I realized this just simply is too true to ignore. And in my modest experience, I reserve the right to say, that this, up to this day, can happen... more than just once. :) Hope you enjoy.  Titled 'It Happens'

~It Happens~

Just when you find an ease in breathing,
Someone comes along unseeming.
Wraps your eyes in lustrous gleaming,
and sends your lungs for breath a pleading.

Think its not thy usual quirk.
and in wonder lies a grinning smirk.
Smile a grin and smirk a quirk
For every flaw, at her I smirk.

Her laugh a common rarity
Her voice a noisy Sonnet.
Her looks comparable to many

Just when you find an ease in breathing,
Someone comes along unseeming.
Wraps your eyes in lustrous gleaming,
and sends your lungs for breath a pleading.

And in their vanity
their existence upon it
my stimulated Heart and mind fails that many

so... strength of soul and heart of Mind
Won me over LENGTHS of time before her
gaze entered mine.

So is it You or I? Or both as we write from
my mind.. to my mind.

Just when you find an ease in breathing,
Someone comes along unseeming.
Wraps your eyes in lustrous gleaming,
and sends your lungs for breath a pleading.

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